Families Change
Guide to Separation & Divorce

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Separation and divorce have a profound impact on families. The stress can be overwhelming as parents struggle to take care of the emotional and financial needs of their children and themselves.

This information helps parents guide their children through separation and divorce, and calculate a child support amount to cover the costs of raising their children.

This parent’s guide is a companion to A Kid’s Guide to Separation and Divorce and a Teen Guide to Separation and Divorce.


Kids Guide  Teens Guide


Parent Guide


Your family is going through a lot when you get a divorce. You probably feel stressed and overwhelmed. It can be hard trying to take care of your children and yourself.

This information will help you get your children through your divorce. It will also help you understand how child support in Connecticut works.

Use this guide along with A Kid’s Guide to Separation and Divorce and a Teen Guide to Separation and Divorce.


Kids Guide  Teens Guide

Telling the Children

How you deal with this crucial step will greatly impact how your children adapt to this change in their lives.

Dealing with Change

What parents can do to help their children cope better with the separation or divorce.

Feelings and Emotions

The feelings your children may be experiencing and what you can do if they act out.

Child Support

Child support is the money one parent pays the other for the financial support of their child or children.


This parent guide will help you

  • separate your feelings about your divorce from your feelings about being a parent,
  • understand that your children must have a relationship with the other parent,
  • communicate effectively with your children, and
  • help your children handle the family breakup.

The child support section of this guide explains how child support in Connecticut works. It answers questions about who pays for child support, how the court decides on the amount and what to do if you there are problems down the road. It also deals with

  • different parenting situations,
  • special or extraordinary costs,
  • when child support ends, and
  • what to do if a parent won’t pay child support.